Coffee Academy comes from the wish and the need to spread knowledge and skills of the coffee wolrd. During the long history, Marcafè aims to promote and spread the culture of high quality coffee and high professionalism.
Addressed to all customers, the training courses are a real path to become experts, with a training not only from the technical point of view, but also as consulting advice.
Courses follow a highly qualified training program through the experience of an International Trainer that will certify, in addition to a Marcafè Diploma also with a Scae International Diploma.
During the meetings, participants are always organized in small groups to be assisted in the best way, particularly for the practical tests.
Lessons are held inside the Marcafè establishment, in a bright classroom dedicated and equipped with the best equipment for cafè preparation.
For information about prices and dates of next course contact the phone number 0039 085 8072141.